Executive Privilege: The Perks of Power

The News & Observer‘s yearlong investigation of former North Carolina Governor Mike Easley exposed pay-to-play politics at its worst. Their reporting revealed how Easley accepted numerous unreported gifts from supporters in return for political influence and “sweet deals.” The facts uncovered in this series launched state and federal criminal investigations, led to resignations and firings, exposed election law violations and spurred government reforms.

Under Fire: Discrimination and Corruption in the Texas National Guard

KHOU-TV exposed rampant sexual discrimination, abuses of power, cover-ups to Congress, financial corruption and theft by the National Guard’s top commanding generals. As a result, the Texas governor fired the accused commanders, the FBI and DA have launched criminal probes and three new state laws have been passed, requiring better oversight of the Guard by both the Governor’s office and the state assembly.

Gaming the System: Public Pensions the Massachusetts Way

Sean P. Murphy exposed how state officials took advantage of loopholes in the state retirement system to enrich themselves at taxpayers’ expense. The result of his investigations prodded the Massachusetts State Legislature and Governor Deval Patrick to enact and overhaul pension laws. The story also led two ex-legislators to publicly renounce hundreds of thousands of dollars in future pension benefits.

Cashing In on Kids

In Rutledge’s year-long series covering Wisconsin’s child-care program, she exposed a system plagued by fraud, deceit and criminal activity that cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars and repeatedly put children in danger. Her reporting led to criminal probes and indictments and prompted lawmakers to pass new laws aimed at eliminating fraud and keeping criminals out of the day care business.

Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies?

Abrahm Lustgarten exposed the potential threat to drinking water supplies from the largely unregulated business of drilling for natural gas. As a result, states have ordered environmental impact studies, members of Congress want to strengthen regulation and other news outlets are reporting and editorializing on the issue.

Degree of Influence: Academic Corruption at West Virginia University

Sabatini and Boselovic’s investigation found that an MBA claimed by the daughter of the West Virginia governor and friend of the West Virginia University president was, in fact, a false degree that was conferred by academic fraud, followed by a cover-up by WVU. As a result, WVU withdrew the MBA, and the furor prompted the university’s president, provost and business-school dean to step down.

Message Machine

David Barstow documented how the Pentagon constructed an elaborate apparatus to co-opt military analysts — mostly retired generals — to make its case for the Iraq War and the long occupation in Iraq.  He revealed that they were fed talking points in high-level Pentagon briefings that they repeated in TV interviews.  Many of these analysts had lucrative financial interests in military businesses benefiting from the policies they were asked to assess.

A Mayor in Crisis

The Free Press‘s yearlong investigation exposed lies, false testimony and insider dealings of then-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his top aide as they attempted to cover up their romantic affair.  As a result, Mayor Kilpatrick resigned from office, was charged with multiple felonies, sentenced to 120 days in jail, five years’ probation, restitution of $1 million to the City of Detroit and loss of his law license.

The Cruelest Cuts: The Human Cost of Bringing Poultry to Your Table

The Charlotte Observer‘s investigation revealed how one company ignored and threatened injured workers as it created an illusion of safety inside its plants.  The stories have led to congressional hearings, federal investigations, the indictment of a top company manager, more staff for safety regulators and new federal legislation to curb the underreporting of workplace injuries.

Forced Out

Cenziper and Cohen’s investigation revealed how Washington, D.C. landlords drove hundreds of tenants from rent-controlled apartments by refusing to make repairs and other harassment methods, and then profited from redevelopment. As a result of the investigation, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued 23 landlords, half the city’s housing-inspection force was fired and “The Tenant Protection Act of 2008” was introduced. It provided funds for building repair as well as help for tenants suing landlords for code violations.