Journalist Elizabeth Marchak in a series of articles raised questions about the Federal Government’s handling of air safety violations. The articles shed light on the inaction of the FAA on reports filed by its inspectors about unsafe planes, improper maintenance and inadequate training at low-cost airlines.
Ill-gotten Gains
Of Pain and Gain
Foreign Contributions Riddle
Illegal Democratic Campaign Contributions
The team of reporters from the Los Angeles Times uncovered large contributions to the Democratic party by influential Asian donors. Subsequent to the reportage, the Democrats returned nearly $1.2 million in donations and sparked a nationwide debate on campaign finance reform.
Profits from Pain
An investigative journalism series that laid bare the problems with the quality of Florida’s Medicaid HMO treatment system for the poor.
Who Owns the Law? West Publishing and the Courts
In a series prepared over four months, the journalists exposed federal judges accepting gifts from a private corporation often amounting to expensive vacations. The articles raised questions about the propriety of federal judges and the ensuing hidden corruption in the justice system.
Journalists Gary Cohn and Ginger Thompson were recognized for their series “Battalion 316” which told of atrocities committed by a secret Honduran Intelligence Unit that had been trained and equipped by the CIA.
The FAA, USAir and the ATR Turbo Prop Planes
A series of investigative reports on the scrutiny of USAir in the aftermath of aeroplane crashes and action taken by FAA.
Military Secrets and Prisoners on Payroll
Journalists Russel Carollo, Carol Hernandez, Cheryl Reed and Jeff Nesmith published a series of investigations, reporting on the lenient handling of sexual misconduct cases by the military justice system.