The Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting
The annual Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting honors investigative reporting that best promotes more effective and ethical conduct of government, the making of public policy, or the practice of politics. The winner receives $25,000, and five finalists receive $10,000. Prize money is paid directly to the journalists, not the news organizations. While the subject can address issues of foreign policy, a submission qualifies only if it has an impact on public policy in the United States at the national, regional or local level.
The Goldsmith Prize for Explanatory Reporting
The new Goldsmith Prize for Explanatory Reporting honors reporting that illuminates the inner workings of the functioning of government and/or the implementation of public policy at the local, state, or federal level in the United States. Exemplary pieces dig deeply into the “how” of governance, helping to make often opaque processes, systems, and people at the heart of government understandable to everyday people. The winner of the Goldsmith Prize for Explanatory Reporting receives $15,000, to be awarded directly to the winning journalist or team. Finalists may be recognized, but do not win a monetary prize.
The Goldsmith Book Prize is awarded to the trade and academic book published in the United States in the last 24 months that best fulfills the objective of improving democratic governance through an examination of the intersection between the media, politics and public policy. Recent Goldsmith Book Prizes have been awarded to books about political journalism, the history of news, news and political polarization, internet freedom, local news and digital democracy. Books that are not on the topic of media and politics will not be considered
Financial support for the Goldsmith Awards Program is provided by an annual grant from the Goldsmith Fund of the Greenfield Foundation.
Nominations for the Goldsmith Awards are currently closed. Check back in late 2025 for information about how to submit work for the 2026 prizes.
Questions? Please contact Lindsay Underwood at the Shorenstein Center: